Of all the Casino games , BlackJack is undoubtedly the most popular when it comes to card games. It is a game in which the different players compete not only with each other, but against the Croupier (we will tell you more about this in this tutorial on multiplayer BlackJack ) , and they must beat the representative of the Casino to obtain benefits and collect their bets.
But BlackJack is also popular because it is an eminently mathematical card discipline. The basic strategy of BlackJack , when it comes to playing, can be reduced to a -more or less- simple system of mathematical rules and probability calculations , through which we can minimize our losses to the maximum and, ultimately, establish an almost constant rate of profit.
Mastering this system of rules and knowing the basic BlackJack strategy by heart, to the point of knowing what to do automatically as soon as we receive a hand and see which card the dealer has discovered is not, however, easy. You have to practice a lot and make mistakes before you can say that our method of playing BlackJack and winning is almost foolproof.
But with this basic guide to BlackJack we can establish a starting point that, above all, will help to understand the basic rules of BlackJack , and why we make each of the decisions that we are going to explain below.